Bridges to the Future: Training Inspectors with Augmented Reality Intelligent Interactive Storytelling

Grants and Contracts Details


Bridges to the Future: Training Inspectors with Augmented Reality Intelligent Interactive Storytelling Abstract For state DOTs, experienced workers are vital to the survival and development of the organization and the future workforce. While the financial resources poured into the construction and maintenance of bridges are significant, difficulties in developing well-trained and experienced inspectors are a growing risk to the quality of bridges. This challenge is further exacerbated by the current workforce shortage in the construction industry across the entire country, which often means individuals with less experience are needed to perform tasks that traditionally demanded more expertise. Moreover, the experience level of inspectors has declined due to the retirement of the generation that built the U.S. interstate system. As the growing bridge construction market continues to experience a shift in the workforce caused by a large number of retiring experts and smaller numbers of new professionals entering the industry, an innovative training model is needed. We propose to develop an Augmented Reality Intelligent Interactive Storytelling (ARIIS)- based training simulation – a leap forward in addressing state DOTs’ workforce challenges, enabling the diverse future bridge inspectors to gain the needed knowledge and to be safer and more efficient.
Effective start/end date1/1/256/30/26


  • National Academy of Sciences: $70,000.00


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