California IP-CANS Implementation

Grants and Contracts Details


California Dept of Social Services CA-IP CANS Implementation Support Purpose This proposal is to support the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) in its ongoing implementation of the California Integrated Practice Child and Adolescent needs and Strengths (CA-IP CANS) tool as assessment and referral/triage tools in its trauma informed, evidence-based child welfare services. The following steps are proposed in the use of the Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) framework for this process. Qualifications The CANS is a functional assessment tool that has been in use in child welfare, children’s behavioral health, educational and juvenile justice systems since the late 1990s. Developed by John S. Lyons, PhD while at Northwestern University, the CANS is now used across the United States, Canada and over 10 countries internationally. It is estimated that 80% of children served in public behavioral health and child welfare systems in the United States have had a CANS. Since the development of the CANS, other similar tools have been created including the Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment (ANSA), Family Advocacy and Support Tool (FAST), Crisis Assessment Tool (CAT), and the Readiness Inventory for Successful Employment (RISE). During the last 30+ years Dr. Lyons’ work has received support from the organizations that he has worked in which contributed to the development of his team and the evolution of the Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) approach: University of Ottawa, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, and most recently at the Center for Innovation in Population Health (IPH Center) at the University of Kentucky. Established in 2019, the IPH Center provides a platform for the TCOM approach to flourish in a research setting that can draw multi-sector collaborative relationships with key partners in the academy as well as throughout the human service sectors. Within the context of the IPH Center, TCOM and its tools, such as the California IP-CANS, broadens the strategy of personal transformation to addressing population health improvement. Methods 1. CA-IP CANS Implementation, Tecnnical Assistance and Support 2. CA-IP CANS Training a. Training of Trainers (TOT) on a quarterly basis b. Certified trainer coaching c. Access to certification courses on for 9000 users annually (includes helpdesk support) 3. Precision Analytics/Quality Improvement a. Decision Support Model Technical Assistance/Consultation b. Data Analysis Technical Assistance, Consultation c. Data Collection, Cleaning, Visualizations, Dashboard Development d. Qualified Individual (QI) Program Evaluation 4. CA-IP CANS Coaching & Support a. CA-IP CANS Trainer Coaching/Support/Technical Assistance b. Curriculum Development, including instructional design and video production 1 5. Journey Mapping 6. Project Management Qualifications of Key Staff April D. Fernando, PhD is an Associate Director of the IPH Center and an Associate Professor, Health Management and Policy, College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky. She leads the TCOM Implementation, Development, and Educational Support (TIDES) program at the IPH Center. As the Principle Investigator (PI) she will provide overall project leadership and provide clinical insight and support, ensuring that the workforce is properly trained and supported in the TCOM approach and the use of TCOM tools. John S. Lyons, PhD is the Director of the IPH Center and Professor of Health Mangement and Policy, College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Lyons has more than 40 years of experience consulting with states and other jurisdictions around the design and function of public mental health systems. As mentioned previously he is the initial developer of TCOM, CANS and ANSA. He has authored nine books and more than 300 peer reviewed articles, including the recent book Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management. The Business of Person Change (Palgrave/Macmillan/Spring, 2022). He will be responsible for decision support model development and support on this project. Olga Vsevolozhskaya, PhD is an Assistant Director at the IPH Center and an Assistant Professor, Biostatistics, College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Vsevolozhskaya leads the Precision Analytics program at the IPH Center and will oversee the data management and analyses aspects of the work. Her team will be responsible for the design, development and production of reports. 2
Effective start/end date7/1/236/30/24


  • California Department of Social Services: $936,586.00


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