Cancer Incidence Disparities in Appalachia and within Appalachian Sub-regions

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Cancer registry (KCR) at the University of Kentucky proposes to utilize the CINA Deluxe Custom data provided by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries ~NAACCR) to calculate cancer incidence rates and examine cancer disparities in Appalachia and its sub- regions. KCR proposes to achieve the following specific objectives: 1. Compare incidence rates by cancer site and stage between Appalachia and the Non-Appalachian regions of the U.S. contained in the CINA Deluxe dataset. 2. Compare incidence rates by cancer site and stage among the three Appalachian sub-regions (Northern, Central and Southern Appalachian regions). 3. Compare incidence rates by cancer site and stage between urban and rural Appalachia. Incidence by cancer site and stage among the urban and rural areas of each Appalachian sub-region will also be examined.
Effective start/end date12/12/056/30/06


  • North American Association Central Cancer Registries: $9,996.00


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