CANS-NY Technical Assistance Institute

Grants and Contracts Details


The IPH Center at the University of Kentucky is uniquely equipped to continue to provide CANS-NY training, manage certification, and support the work of the CANS-NY Technical Institute staff. The IPH Center, through the pass-through partnership with the Praed Foundation, currently provides training of CANS-NY and supports users and stakeholders through in-person and virtual training and technical assistance. The IPH Center collaborates with the Department of Health in an effort to identify the learning needs of the workforce and other stakeholders such as HHSC, OCFS, OMH, OASAS, LDSS, SPOA, and LGU’s. The IPH Center strategically coordinates training sessions and other customized educational opportunities that successfully meet the identified needs and program deliverables. The technical support and assistance extend beyond training sessions, the IPH Center incorporates diverse instructional styles including group training, individual coaching, group coaching, technical assistance, consultation with stakeholders, and outreach to agencies/government offices utilizing the CANS-NY. The IPH Center will create and maintain an organized network of trained CANS-NY Coaches to carry out the work of the CANS-NY Institute — The IPH Center will create and maintain a statewide pool of CANS-NY Coaches to provide training, technical assistance, skill enhancement, and integration of the CANS-NY tool into care management practice/process.
Effective start/end date3/1/243/1/24


  • New York State Department of Health: $1,461,000.00


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