Grants and Contracts Details
Project Summary
Imagine a computer vision system that takes continuously streaming video as input and opportunistically
builds a visual description of the world around it, starting from a very agnostic state where it
reconstructs everything from scratch, and progressing towards a state where it is mostly recognizing
new input as something it has seen before. This is the dream driving this proposal. The envisioned
system will appear in a diverse set of applications, such as in wearable computing as an assistant
for fully seeing as well as visually impaired users, general human computer interaction, monitoring
television streams, surveillance, robotics, navigation, smart cars, mapping and 3D reconstruction. .The intellectual merit of this proposal is the exploration of a symbiosis between geometry and
recognition, aiming at entirely automatic visual 3D reconstruction of an environment. The
goal is highcr reliability, along with thc ability to cover a larger scope than currcntly afforded
by the state of the art. For example, it is envisioned that a user wears a camera in order
to reconstruct a whole school, building interior, airport, city center or ultimately even the
entire planet. It is argued that a symbiosis between geometry and recognition is essential to
accomplish this goal. .The broader impacts include the development of a certificate program in computer vision and
graphics. The certificate program will reach undergraduates earlier in their college careers
and include them in current research. It will also attract high school students interested in
vision and graphics through mentoring and outreach activities. Integrated with the proposed
research and the certificate program, the PI will explore application of the computer vision
system to assisting visually impaired users. This will be carried out in collaboration with Dr.
Melody Carswell, professor in psychology with access to the visually impaired community.
In the interest of performing practically relevant research, the PI's team will embark on the
endeavor of building a computer vision system that automatically extracts a human-life-size threedimensional
visual world description from video. The results will inform the team's theoretical
research and vice versa. The goal is a system that can improve the visual description over time in
a trustworthy and robust manner, incorporating large flexibility, while utilizing the constraints and
previously gathered knowledge necessary to approach human performance. In this endeavor, we
are more concerned with the systems ability to eventually arrive at an organized result that makes
overall sense, in contrast to for example concentrating on very high localization precision.
In the context of aiding visually impaired users, the PI's team will explore how to distill visual
information to pass over an alternative information channel such as a haptic interface. In particular,
the team will explore how to best empower the user with close control over the computer vision
algorithms. The team will also involve undergraduates in research through a course with openended
questions in this area, aimed to evolve into a yearly competition including other schools.
Important work in this direction has been carried out by computer vision researchers. However, the
amount of work is small in comparison to the number of attempted applications where human visual
performance has to be beaten, rather than approached, for computer vision to be useful. By focusing
on applying computer vision where it is likely to be useful first, fairly mature technology such as
stereo vision or reading printed text can perhaps already be applied in a useful manner. An inspiring
goal is then to gradually progress towards more challenging tasks such as reading handwritten text,
finding items at the supermarket, recognition in clutter, general scene interpretation, assisting
general navigation and eventually even real-time tasks such as hitting a baseball, playing tennis or
driving a car.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/1/06 → 12/31/06 |
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