Careers Beyond the Academy

Grants and Contracts Details


The goal of the College of Arts and Sciences' Careers beyond the University program is to enable graduate students in the humanities and social sciences to explore the possibility of, and to be better prepared to pursue and obtain, non-academic and alt-academic jobs. A program of this sort at once fulfills our moral obligation to assist graduate students advance in their lives and careers and makes UK's College of Arts and Sciences a more attractive place for prospective students to pursue a graduate degree. Program development and both short and longer-term planning will be overseen by a program director and a diverse committee that includes faculty, administrators, alumni, local businesspeople, and current graduate students. Over the course of the 2016-2017 academic year the committee will systematically consider six topics and develop program initiatives and longer-term strategies to transform the humanities and humanistic social sciences PhD at the University of Kentucky. Planning themes raise important questions about how best to: (i) expose graduate students to an array of career options, (ii) revise curricula and degree requirements to best support graduate students' diverse professional goals, (iii) maximize faculty support for review and revision of graduate programs, (iv) adapt funding opportunities to suit the needs of students hoping to diversify their doctoral training and professionalization, (v) successfully partner with non-academic institutions and strengthen alumni connections, and (vi) collect and disseminate placement data and evaluate program activities. We aim to reduce time to degree and attrition, provide valuable assistance to students seeking jobs outside of the academy, and support student efforts to engage a broader audience through their scholarship. More expansively, we hope to dismantle the humanities in crisis narrative by reasserting the enduring value of our disciplines and the important questions they raise about what it means to be human in a world of difference and incommensurability (Bérubé and Ruth 2015).
Effective start/end date8/1/167/31/17


  • National Endowment for the Humanities: $25,000.00


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