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Central Appalachian Education and Resource Center
Pilot Grant Abstract
Characteristics of Nurse Suicide Deaths in Kentucky, 2005 – 2019.
Nurses consistently report occupational stress in the form of shift work, low decision-making
control, psychologically demanding work environments related to high acuity patients, and
disproportionate nurse-to-patient ratios. 4, 11, 19 Consequently, studies show elevated
occupational stress can combine with cultural stigma about help-seeking behaviors that
contribute to increased alcohol and substance misuse among nurses. 4, 11, 19 Research shows
the prevalence of alcohol and substance misuse among nurses is 10 -20% higher than the
general population.4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 19 In general, nurses are more likely to experience depression,
anxiety, and take anti-depressive medication, which can exacerbate self-directed violence
behavior when combined with alcohol and substance misuse.7, 17, 20 The culmination of
exposures and comorbid conditions places nurses at greater risk for suicide than other
healthcare professions. A longitudinal study of nurses using NVDRS data documented a greater
risk of suicide for female nurses (IRR=1.395) than male nurses (IRR-1.205).20 Female nurses
were more likely to use medications as the mechanism of death while males used firearms.20
Both sexes showed higher odds of suicide in the presence of a job problem and mental health
challenges; however, females experience nearly two-fold odds of suicide in the presence of a
job problem.20
Research demonstrates the need to address suicide risk factors among nurses;
however, the corpus of research on suicide and its predictors is based on national samples and
surveillance data. To date, few state-based studies exist regarding contextual characteristics of
nurse suicide. Given the policy, licensure requirements, and nurse workforce differences across
states, it is imperative to conduct state-based suicide studies to determine contextual
characteristics of nurse suicide. In states like Kentucky, efforts are underway to address nurse
suicide; however, little is known about the prevalence of nurse suicide and the characteristics of
decedents in Kentucky. Therefore, this study aims to determine the total number of nurse
suicide decedents in Kentucky, investigate contextual characteristics of nurse suicide
decedents, and calculate nurse suicide rates.
Proposed Analytic Strategy
Aim 1: The outcome of interest for aim 1 is to determine and evaluate differences in
demographic and contextual characteristics of suicide mortality among Kentucky nurse suicide
decedents. Occupation will be determined using the Census 2021_occupation coding in addition
to scanning the industry, occupation, and investigator free text fields using a glossary of nursing
occupation terms to produce a summary file specific to nurse decedent occupations. An expert
interrater panel of study collaborators with data access will review the summary file to codes
decedents as a nurse or non-nurse. We will categorize decedent occupation as a nurse,
excluding non-nurse occupations from our study group. Descriptive statistics will be used to
evaluate demographic and contextual characteristics of male and female nurse suicide
decedents. Cells with fewer than five decedents will be suppressed.
We will employ a qualitative content analysis of incident narratives from law enforcement
and coroner/medical examiner reports to identify life events or stressors that may have
contributed to the nurse''s suicide death.32, 33 The narratives in the KVDRS law enforcement and
coroner/medical examiner fields contain information about processes, patterns, and
psychosocial dynamics, which are relevant to each suicide event that is not well-captured in
KVDRS quantitative variables.32, 33 Content analysis will occur using coding structures and
Central Appalachian Education and Resource Center
Pilot Grant Abstract
incident narrative coding methods initially developed by Holland et al. and employed by Brown
and Seals for the KVDRS.33
Aim 2: The primary outcome of aim 2 is to determine sex-specific Nurse suicide rates from
2005-2019. We will obtain the rate numerator from aim 1, and the rate denominator will be
obtained using license data from the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) licensure registry (2005-
2019). The numerator and denominator will be aggregated over time to prevent small (<20) cell
sizes and obtain stable rates estimates.
Prior nurse suicide research using violent death data explored contextual characteristics,
assessed associations between quantitative characteristics and suicide deaths for nurses as
well as compared quantitative differences between nurses, non-nurse occupations, and the
general population.12, 20, 34 However, few studies assess demographic and contextual factors by
state and usually focus on estimating rates and decedent characteristics by major occupational
category.4, 10-12 We propose to evaluate demographic and contextual characteristics and assess
qualitative differences across Kentucky nurse suicide decedents. Further, we plan to estimate a
state-based nurse suicide rate to understand the burden of nurse suicide mortality among
Kentucky nurses. Using results from this study, nurse leaders in Kentucky can collaborate and
advocate for tailored nurse suicide prevention efforts via established partnerships with the
Kentucky Board of Nursing, Kentucky Hospital Association, Kentucky Healthcare Systems, and
state nursing schools to address nurse-specific suicide factors identified in this study. Further,
the results from this study will be used to direct suicide prevention efforts currently underway
with the Kentucky Nurses Association and Kentucky Nurses Action Coalition.35
Central Appalachian Education and Resource Center
Pilot Grant Abstract
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4. Trinkoff A, Storr C. Substance use among nurses: Differences between specialties.
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5. Trinkoff MA, Eaton WW, Anthony CJ. The Prevalence of Substance Abuse Among
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6. Dunn KM, Saunders KW, Rutter CM, et al. Opioid prescriptions for chronic pain and
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7. Bennett J, O''Donovan D. Substance misuse by doctors, nurses and other healthcare
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Administration. 2017;47(10):508-514. doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000523
9. Davidson JE, Proudfoot J, Lee K, Terterian G, Zisook S. A Longitudinal Analysis of
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Worldviews on evidence-based nursing. 2020;17(1):6-15. doi:10.1111/wvn.12419
10. Dunn D. Substance abuse among nurses—Defining the issue. AORN journal.
2005;82(4):572,577,585,592-575,582,588,596. doi:10.1016/S0001-2092(06)60028-8
11. Epstein PM, Burns C, Conlon HA. Substance abuse among registered nurses. American
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12. Feskanich D, Hastrup JL, Marshall J, et al. Stress and suicide in the Nurses'' health
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13. Ivey M. Substance Abuse Among Nurses. Kentucky nurse. 2015;63(4):8.
14. Roberts RK, Grubb PL. The Consequences of Nursing Stress and Need for Integrated
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15. Snow D, Hughes T. Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Abuse Among
Nurses. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 2003, Vol14(3), p165-167. 2003;14(3):165-167.
16. Vahedian-Azimi A, Hajiesmaeili M, Kangasniemi M, et al. Effects of Stress on Critical
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2017:885066617696853. doi:10.1177/0885066617696853
17. Huang CL-C, Wu M-P, Ho C-H, Wang J-J. Risks of treated anxiety, depression, and
insomnia among nurses: A nationwide longitudinal cohort study. PloS one.
2018;13(9):e0204224-e0204224. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0204224
18. Letvak S, Ruhm CJ, McCoy T. Depression in Hospital-Employed Nurses. Clinical nurse
specialist. 2012;26(3):177-182. doi:10.1097/NUR.0b013e3182503ef0
19. Talbert JJ. Substance abuse among nurses. Clinical journal of oncology nursing.
2009;13(1):17. doi:10.1188/09.CJON.17-19
Central Appalachian Education and Resource Center
Pilot Grant Abstract
20. Thun E, Bjorvatn B, Torsheim T, Moen BE, Magerøy N, Pallesen S. Night work and
symptoms of anxiety and depression among nurses: A longitudinal study. Work &
Stress. 2014;28(4):376-386. doi:10.1080/02678373.2014.969362
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/19 → 6/30/22 |
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
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Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Centers (T42): Central Appalachian Regional Education Research Center
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National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
7/1/19 → 6/30/25
Project: Research project