Carry forward of Year 8 Conference Support Supplement

  • Hennig, Bernhard (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky, being a land grant and comprehensive institution, has a tradition of excellence in interdisciplinary research. Such an academic environment will allow to study the overall theme of our SBRP research, which focuses on the toxicology of Superfund chemicals and how health effects of exposure can be modulated by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, namely genetics and nutrition, respectively. We will integrate five biomedical and two non-biomedical projects to concentrate on chlorinated organics (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls, trichloroethylene) as model toxins. Chlorinated organics are prevalent in most Superfund sites, including those found in Kentucky. Our preliminary findings suggest that nutrition and dietary habits can markedly influence mechanisms of toxicity of the above-mentioned Superfund chemicals. Thus, a major objective of our SBRP is to explore the paradigm that nutrition can modify Superfund chemical toxicity. We hypothesize that highly refined diets, Le., diets high in fats or calories and low in fruits and vegetables (antioxidants), are associated with an observed national epidemic in chronic diseases, and that populations associated with such dietary habits are more prone to Superfund chemical insult. Biomedical projects will focus on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. In addition, non-biomedical projects will explore novel techniques for both remediation (detoxification) and biosensors associated with PCBs and other chlorinated organics. Results from our interdisciplinary research will be utilized for informative/educational, technology transfer, training, policy and translational purposes as part of the objectives of the Research Translation, Community Outreach, and Training Cores. Nutrition may be the most sensible means to develop primary prevention strategies of diseases associated with many environmental toxic insults. Thus, our research may lead to novel dietary recommendations at the national level for populations at risk, Le., people residing near Superfund sites.
Effective start/end date4/7/973/31/06


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