Carryover: Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program

  • Badger, Karen (PI)
  • Ford, Janet (CoI)
  • Weeks, Pamela (CoI)
  • Elder, William (Former CoI)
  • Giger, Jarod (Former CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Project Goal: Improve access to IBH services across the life span in rural and/or medically underserved communities by increasing the IBH trained social workers entering the workforce and providing IPE. Objective 1: Recruit and train 129 social workers who plan to seek IBH positions in medically underserved and/or rural communities. Objective 2: Expand the MSW IBH specialization to eastern KY off-campus sites and create additional field placement options there and in Fayette County for underserved communities across the lifespan. Objective 3: Design and Implement a revised MSW program with an IBH specialization for populations across the lifespan for practice in medically underserved and/or rural communities and cultural and linguistic competency. Objective 4: Increase delivery of IPE for MSW students, field instructors, and other providers. Objective 5: Evaluate the project and disseminate findings.
Effective start/end date9/30/178/31/20


  • Health Resources and Services Administration


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