Casey Family Programs - Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management

Grants and Contracts Details


This proposal is to support Casey Family Programs in its ongoing implementation of the Casey Family Programs Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CFP CANS 1.0) and Family Advocacy Support Tool (CFP FAST 1.0) as assessments and referral/triage tools in its trauma informed, evidence-based behavioral health/child welfare services. The following steps are proposed in the use of the Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) framework for this process. 1. Casey Family Programs CANS/FAST Implementation Support. • Initial planning and development of a CFS-TCOM local community Learning Collaborative. 2. CFP CANS/FAST Precision Analytics, Feedback and Support. • Provide technical assistance and consulting support on integration of TCOM into CFS-CQI Framework and related core-CQI processes, and data analysis and tools (Quality/ Compliance Review, use of Field Office "dashboards," Facilitated Collaborative Inquiry, Precision-Analytics). • Consult on CFS's utilization, integration and evolution of application of CFS' CANS/FAST's related data. • Support development of CFS's capacity for ongoing sustainability of their use. • Coach a small cadre of CFS staff who are emerging as TCOM "Champions" and leaders in use and application of related data. 3. CFP CANS/FAST User Coaching and Support. • Provide additional practice and coaching support on CANS/FAST/TCOM with identified expert(s) to further deepen practice, data and other identified TCOM areas. This work may include but not be limited to support with further enhancements of CANS/FAST/Action Planning practice and reporting, developing TCOM “Champions,”
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/20


  • Casey Family Programs: $33,200.00


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