CCDD- Supported Decision Making FY24

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract During the years in which the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities (CCDD) has funded My Choice Kentucky, we have been able to share information about supported decision-making and other alternatives to guardianship with people across the Commonwealth and beyond. Project staff and participants—through both formal training and the modeling of lived experience—have demonstrated how supported decision-making can work for a variety of people in many different situations. We are now seeing this promising practice take hold in individual agencies, within certain counties, and among a cross-section of professionals. Through our work, we have also developed and grown partnerships, collaborations, and relationships with organizations in Kentucky as well as with national leaders in the field. Project team members are frequently contacted by officers of the court, local, state, and federal officials, family members, educators, and others. Some contacts are requesting technical assistance while others are seeking collaborative partners or reaching out with networking opportunities. It is undeniable that My Choice Kentucky has become a go-to resource for people interested in supported decision-making. While we have accomplished many exciting things over the years, there is still much work to be done. With an additional year of funding from CCDD, My Choice Kentucky would like to make a more concerted effort to connect with self-advocacy and family groups. While we have done this sporadically and informally throughout our existence, we believe strengthening and formalizing those ties will yield benefits for everyone involved. Additionally, we would like to increase our outreach to Centers for Independent Living and the Department of Child-Based Services (DCBS). Both of these organizations provide support for people who at-risk for guardianship and might have limited resources for support. With the support of CCDD, My Choice Kentucky has been able to grow from a tiny upstart to a project that is recognized as a leader in supported decision-making. While much as been accomplished there is still much to do. By empowering those most directly impacted by guardianship, we hope to further expand the use of alternatives to guardianship and create real systems change.
Effective start/end date7/1/236/30/24


  • KY Council on Developmental Disabilities


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  • CCDD - Transportation Project

    Sheppard-Jones, K. (PI)


    Project: Research project