Center for Innovation in Education- Hewlett 2014-15

  • Pittenger, Linda (PI)
  • Wilhoit, Harold (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


To fund executive leadership and basic operations of the Center for Innovation in Education (Center). The Center’s five focus areas will be: • Ensure that more states are adopting a definition of college and career readiness that embodies deeper learning outcomes and implementing that definition with fidelity. • Work at the national and federal levels to promote deeper learning among key influencers and organizations. • Provide assistance to leaders of the Innovation Lab Network so that they are more rapidly and effectively translating local innovations into policy. • Facilitate dialogue with state policy makers to set conditions that support the deeper learning reforms. • Promote the role of teachers as solutions designers and producers of new knowledge about how we cause learning.
Effective start/end date3/17/147/31/15


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