Center for the Biologic Basis of Oral/Systemic Disease (CBBOSD) - Project 5 Scope

Grants and Contracts Details


Center for the Biologic Basis of Oral/Systemic Diseases The A/E Core has continued to provide support for the junior Pis to develop within the research infrastructure of the COBRE cePiter. The A/EC provides various tools for grant and manuscript preparation, as well as direct support for grants management within the context of the COBRE award. In addition to the routine meetings between the junior PI and senior mentors, the A/EC organizes bimonthly meetings of the entire COBRE faculty. At each of these meetings, general information is provided on the COBRE activities, specific funding solicitations are presented and discussed, and 1 of the junior Pis presents an update on their project.
Effective start/end date9/23/047/31/14


  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences


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