Chafee Independent Living Statewide Mentoring (KYNEX)

  • Hoffman, Doris (PI)
  • GROEBER, CHRIS (Former PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The KYNEX program has been designed to provide mentoring, educational, financial and social support to youth in transition to adulthood that will allow them the opportunity to have positive experiences with potential role models and systems that promote their overall well-being. Beginning the service array with 15 year old youth allows KYNEX staff and volunteers the opportunity to earn the right to provide positive models of sustainable success for the program participants. It also allows the program to move at the youth's pace, allowing the program focus to be the program to be that individual youth's needs, not the overall program outcomes. Positive interactions between the youth, KYNEX staff, mentors, and professional partners in the community enable the achievement of positive outcomes for individual youth.
Effective start/end date7/1/056/30/06


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