Grants and Contracts Details
Shape memory alloys (S:\;I:\s) have remarkable properties in actuation. \ ibration damping,
noise reduction and sensing. They are compact. robust, lightweight. frictionless. quiet.
environment-friendly (no hydraulic liquids), easy to be inspected and have lem aftermarket costs
for inspection and maintenance. There is a growing demand for S\lAs capable at' use in compact
actuators. smart fastening/release systems, and adaptive structures for application at elevated
temperatures (80 )C or greater). These types of materials are ideal for non pyrotechnic release
mechanisms and lightweight actuators for satellites. The development of a material with
properties similar to /\/iTi (the most widely used SMA) but with TE above 100 "e is neededfor
a broad range of applications in the aerospace industries. It has been revealed that addition of
some ternary elements (HC Zr, Pd, Pc Au) successfully increases the TTs. Upon these alloys.
due to low cost of Hf, NiTiHf alloys seems to be most promising high temperature shape
memory alloy (HTS!\fA) for the \vide commercial applications.
PI"s preliminary work on NiTiHf-based HT!\fAs has sho\vn that with suitable heat
treatments, it is possible to form precipitates and control their size, distribution and volume
fraction to alter the TTs in a broad range of temperatures. Although preliminary results are
promising a systematic investigation is needed to determine the mechanical and shape memory
propel1ies of heat treated HTS:\;IAs to establish microstructure-propel1y relationship. This
requires extensive characterization of thermally treated alloys. In this study. the following
objectives are proposed:
I. Apply heat treatments to modity the microstructure features;
2. Determine precipitation characteristic
3. Characterize mechanical and shape memory properties of heat treated samples
-1-. Establish microstructure-propet1y relationship
5. Strengthen the existing collaboration with NASA-Glenn and l'niversity of Kentucky;
6. Involve undergraduate and graduate students in research in the early stages of their career
7. Built an infrastructure for SMA research at University of Kentucky to contribute to the
nation's scientific and engineering research and education development;
8. Contribute to the development of the Nation' s science. technology, engineering. and
mathematics (STEM) workforce of the future by attracting and retaining students in
mechanical and materials engineering discipline;
The key outcomes from the proposed research are identified as (i) a deeper understanding on
the em~cts of heat treatments on the microstructure and shape memory characteristics of
HTS!\fAs; (ii) enable the design and construction of affordable, reliable. durable. and
maintainable actuators for various aerospace applications, (iii) strengthen the collaboration
bet\veen NASA-Glenn researchers and University of Kentucky, (iv) involve undergraduate
student in research at early stages of academic life and (v) contribute to the development of the
Nation's STEM workforce of the future by attracting and retaining students in mechanical
engineering discipline.
[n this study, expertise of NASA-Glenn researchers on high temperature shape memory alloy
development \\ill be sought, and one the students working on this project \vill visit NA.S.research center for materials testing and characterization.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 8/15/09 → 4/15/10 |
- Western Kentucky University: $25,000.00
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