Child and Adolescent Trauma Treatment and Training Institute

Grants and Contracts Details


The purpose of the project is to increase access to trauma-informed evidence based practices that are culturally responsive to all traumatized children and families throughout the state through trauma-informed evidence based practice implementation, activities to reduce healthcare disparities, and workforce development initiatives. To this end, the project aims to reduce health/ mental health care disparities experienced by traumatized children and families in the state by targeting access, attrition, and quality in prevention and intervention service delivery using TF-CBT, TARGET, CFTSI and FOCUS; enhance and expand service delivery to traumatized children at the UK site and military focused sites using TARGET and FOCUS; employ workforce development strategies to build community capacity to address the needs of children and families suffering from traumatic stress through learning collaboratives on TARGET and use of the Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma resource parent curriculum; and evaluate the effectiveness of the TI-EBPs, reduction in identified health care disparities, and the effectiveness of workforce development efforts. The project will serve 5415 children through its service delivery and dissemination efforts, and will train 358 professionals and resource parents. The confluence of these activities statewide will facilitate the adoption of culturally-relevant best practices, and will allow for formal institutionalization of trauma-informed practices into the child serving systems of care. This significantly increases the likelihood of sustained integration and investment in trauma-informed care beyond the grant period.
Effective start/end date9/30/169/29/17


  • Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administr: $400,000.00


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