CICHE Pathways Scope - UKRF Healthcare Workforce Collaborative: Kentucky Workforce INitiative for our State (KY-WINS)

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract Summer Enrichment Camps have the unique ability to provide enrichment opportunities to high school juniors and seniors from diverse populations and geographical regions in Kentucky. Through these camps, the Center for Interprofessional and Community Health Education Center will be able to provide participants with academic preparedness or close the achievement gap in post-secondary academic preparedness, in addition to acclimating the participant to UK’s campus. University of Kentucky CIHCE will provide experiences with various health professions through shadowing and engagement with clinicians and health colleges by providing hands-on activities modeling the profession; thus, providing a professional identity the participant can immulate. Content specialists will be hired to deliver the STEM courses with health professional students as mentors to the high school participants.
Effective start/end date9/1/228/31/23


  • KY Council on Postsecondary Education


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