CIE General Operating Support

  • Morgan, Gretchen (PI)
  • Pittenger, Linda (Former PI)
  • Wilhoit, Harold (Former CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Following a successful launch phase (2013 – 2018), C!E is entering its second major phase of work (2018 – mid 2021) to focus on designing, effecting and supporting better-aligned, more systemic change in this moment of transition from federal categorical oversight to local innovation. Forming a Transformation Coalition We aim to convene and spearhead a high level partnership of organizations and thought leaders, all of whom share the same “North Star” and are pursuing the question “How can we effectively structure new systems to get to the deeper learning goals we have embraced?” Holding firm on the North Star, but respecting the different entry points among those working for systemic change and dynamic learning for students, we will form and facilitate a coalition to begin to unite various actors and activities who are willing to come together to help states advance systems-wide reform. Working Towards Equity To date, we have been testing and demonstrating our planned approach through the Assessment for Learning Project. Based on a synthesis of literature and insights from the ALP learning community, the Assessment for Learning Project is developing a New Equity Framework for Assessment that uses assessment as an entry point for educators and educational leaders to critically examine their pursuit of equity through the lenses of Access, Outcomes, Policies, Processes, Relationships, and Identifies. While the framework itself is still evolving, the inquiry has served an important function in putting equity squarely at the center of the work of our individual grantees and the initiative. Broadened Definition of Success We will issue a paper that examines the use of Profile of a Graduate or Graduate Profiles to activate broader definitions of success, from both the policy and practice perspectives, engage at least 5 - 7 state/local partnerships and practice networks, pursue direct engagement with members of the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development as the final paper is released in late 2018 and the Commission and/or its members begin to act on implementing the recommendations, and cause a gradual coming together of a community of high quality professional learning providers, organizations with a long history of work in this area and expert practitioners to support the implementation and scale of this work around the country and expand access to needed intermediary capacity as well as shareable tools and resources. At this later stage, we see C!E as one of the several supporting organizations and not necessarily the one providing overall leadership. Assessment for Learning We will continue to provide leadership in the emerging field of assessment for learning and help shape a new understanding of assessment’s essential role in the learning process. This strand of work represents an important strategic shift and spiraling out beyond the Assessment for Learning Project to Assessment for Learning as a movement and shared ownership of that movement with a broader community. We see this next iteration as a move to invest in learning and the production of assets that contribute to the development and capacity of the emerging field and a shift away from major grantmaking to deeper, broader impact. State-Level Learning Community Since the Fall of 2017, C!E, has supported a network of states dedicated to advancing performance assessment as part of their work at both the local and state levels (California, Colorado, New Hampshire, and Virginia). What has evolved is a new, integrated theory of action with SEA staff, state level intermediaries, and local partners that takes into account the various stakeholders across and up and down the system, as well as the various purposes for assessment, all centered on advancing an equitable model entirely supportive of student learning. As we advance this new model, we are in the process of adding more local representation to assist the policy level representatives as they fully conceptualize a system that connects from the classroom to the state house. We have evaluated on-going needs to sustain the momentum of change and to help states advance thinking and visioning for the future and are considering the related needs for federal and state policy and practice supports. We will continue to work closely with these systems leaders and others who are ask for assistance in constructing innovative systems of assessment.
Effective start/end date7/9/183/12/21


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