Citizens Review Panels (CRP): TRC FY22: ZFA1

Grants and Contracts Details


Sec. 106 [42 U.S.C. 5106a] of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Title I mandates that each state establish not less than three (3) Citizens Review Panels which are to meet at least quarterly and must produce an annual, public report of their activities. The Panels must examine the policies, procedures, and practices of state and local agencies, and, where appropriate, specific cases, review and evaluate the Cabinet for Health and Family Services'''' adherence to the State Plan and may include coordination with foster care and adoption programs and review of child fatalities and near fatalities. The purpose of the Citizens Review Panel is to determine whether state and/or local agencies are effectively discharging their child protection responsibilities. Objective 1: Coordinate and oversee the activities of Citizens Review Panels to review and evaluate services provided to children and families by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. These Panels shall evaluate for compliance to the state plan (federal requirement); and examine policies, practices and procedures of state and local agencies. Objective 2: Coordinate the logistics of all Panels for meetings and special events. Objective 3: Disseminate information to all Panels pertaining to state and federal policy and practice. Objective 4: Provide new member orientation as needed to orient members to the historical perspective of CRP on state and federal levels, expectations of CRP members, and current CRP activities. Objective 5: Update publicity and recruitment materials on an as-needed basis to ensure that material is accurate. Objective 6: Assist Panels in the development and implementation of strategies to recruit and retain a diverse group of members for each panel. Objective 7: Collaborate with other CRP coordinators throughout the nation, via web-based listservs and site visits, to determine best practices for the Citizen Review Panels and to obtain an understanding of other models of citizen review. Objective 8: Coordinate meetings for each panel at least quarterly. This includes arranging meeting locations, sending meeting notices, agenda development, arranging training and guest speakers, and assisting in the recruitment of new members for all Panels. Objective 9: Assist Panels with strategic planning to produce a plan for the fiscal year that includes goals, objectives, and scope of work for the fiscal year. Objective 10: Assist Panel members in writing an annual report, detailing their work for the year, recommendations and/or observations, and specific outcomes achieved. Objective 11: The Program Coordinator will assist Panels in developing means for public outreach and comments in order to assess the impact of current procedures on children, families, and the community. Proposed Scope of Work University of Kentucky College of Social Work Training Resource Center Citizens Review Panels July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 Objective 12: With prior approval from the Panel and the Cabinet, send a representative to the National CRP conference. Objective 13: Develop and implement ongoing virtual service provision plans to ensure the continuity of CRP facilitation and administrative services.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/22


  • KY Department of Community Based Services: $411,869.00


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