Collaborative Center for Literacy Development: Adolescent Literacy Project in Alternative Settings

  • Hruby, George (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Title: Adolescent Literacy Project in Alternative Settings Dates: July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2018 The Collaborative Center for Literacy Development(CCLD) was contacted by Sylvia Kuster and Barbara Hamilton, program administrators for the Education Branch of the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice(DJJ). They were seeking assistance in the area of literacy for the teachers at their facilities. They were concerned about the reading levels of the youth in their Day Treatment, Youth Development and Juvenile Detention Centers. After several meetings with DJJ staff, administrators and teachers, three locations were chosen as pilot sites for a literacy professional development(PD) modeled after our Kentucky Reading Project(KRP) and Adolescent Literacy Project(ALP). Due to the year round nature of the facilities, the two week summer institute was not feasible for the sites. After meeting with the pilot sites, we determined that we could schedule onsite intensive PD days at each location and then follow ups or coaching visits in the fall and spring. The scheduling at each pilot site would depend on the availability of parties involved. The Adolescent Project Director, Erin Wobbekind would coordinate scheduling. The content of the PD will be based on the regional needs of the teachers at the facilities. The teachers would also participate in our CCLD Share Fair in the spring in Lexington and present the literacy plans they create and implement throughout the year.
Effective start/end date10/15/169/30/17


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