Collaborative Research: Understanding the Role of High Schools in Diversifying and Promoting Undergraduate Engineering Degree Attainment

Grants and Contracts Details


In the third year of the project, we will continue data analysis and manuscript production. Specifically, we will finish the three manuscripts described in the accompanying Progress Summary, present this work at relevant conferences, and submit these papers for publication. Additionally, we will continue data analysis and manuscript production that analyzes the role of other structural high school factors in the major choice and degree attainment of students from different races/ethnicities and genders. For example, we have analyses in progress that examine how college engineering degree attainment traces back to geographic differences (e.g., urban, suburban, rural) of students while in high school and the presence of a Project Lead the Way curriculum in high school.
Effective start/end date9/1/172/28/21


  • National Science Foundation: $113,971.00


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