Collaborative Research: Using Low Cost Desktop Learning Modules to Educate Diverse Undergraduate Communities in Engineering

Grants and Contracts Details


NSF IUSE Grant: Collaborative Research: IUSE:EHR: EDUC-ATE: Educating Diverse Undergraduate Communities - Affordable Transport Equipment Lead Institution: Washington State University Prof. Isabel Escobar (Sr. Personnel) will perform the following Scope-of-Work for the above grant " Three faculty members will attend a workshop in Year 1 at Washington State University " Assist in collecting control and implementation data at her home institution and from regional workshop participants " Supervise efforts of two undergraduate students in setting of Low Cost Desktop Learning Modules in classrooms each year on the Lexington and Paducah campuses " Participate in twice-annual virtual meetings with the PI, Co-PIs and other workshop hub coordinators " Participate in focus groups and annual interviews with the external evaluator " Coordinate efforts including those of faculty personnel to facilitate the University of Kentucky LC-DLM workshops in Year 2
Effective start/end date10/1/189/30/23


  • Washington State University: $39,850.00


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