Commonwealth Center for Instructional Technology and Learning

  • Berdine, William (PI)
  • Krampe, Kristina (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky Commonwealth Center for Instructional Technology and Learning (CCITL) project is implementing and evaluating the scaling up of a multi-mediated web-based performance support system (WPSS). The purpose of this system to assist Kentucky instructional providers (i.e., teachers, curriculum coordinators, instructional assistants, related services personnel, administrators) in selecting and implementing instructional technology with students with learning challenges. The CCITL system models "best research to practice" in terms of instructional technology applied to Pre-K through secondary school-based curriculum content for to allleamers regardless of ability. CCITL draws upon an inclusive body of empirical research on instructional technology and its impact on learners as well as on effective learning environments for aU students. The research and knowledge base of CCITL taps into available national research on instructional technology and evidence-based strategies. The infusion of the CCITL content into a multi-mediated and dynamic web-based environment provides an innovative feature that is anticipated to both enhance its use by local school instructional employees as well as its effectiveness as a professional development tool. The CCITL system is a dynamic web-based environment based on a series of 22 databases that make up four interrelated components. The first component of the system, Advisors, contains a secure discussion area in which instructional personnel can consult with an experienced instructional technology consultant about the implementation of instructional strategies and technology in their unique circumstances. The second component of the CCITL system, Strategy Center, allows instructional personnel to search a database for information about evidence-based strategies. The database for the second component contains strategies related to a variety of areas such as mathematics, reading, \-\-Titing,science, study skills, and behavior management. A third component of the system, Library, allows instructional personnel to search a database for information about literature related to evidence-based strategies contained in the Strategy Center. The fourth component of the CCITL system, Learning Lab, allows instructional personnel to search or browse a database of information about how to integrate instructional technology into the classroom. The scaling up phase of the CCITL project focuses on promoting awareness of the system in 50 "test bed" school districts including a minimum of 150 schools, one elementary, middle, and high school respectively. The school districts will be representative of the Commonwealth with regard to socia-economic, population density and related demographics. Several activities (i.e., system demonstra ions, case studies, and regional workshops with follow-up activities) have been designed to encourage use of the CCITL system in the natural environment, which increases the likelihood of continued use and dissemination of the system to co-workers. As part of the eval uation rocess, the project will assess how instructional personnel find and utilize information in the system and whether use of the system impacts on the academic success of students with learni g difficulties in the participating schools and districts.
Effective start/end date7/1/046/30/06


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