Community Engagement and Case Analysis: Methods for Developing Post-Incident Risk Communication Guidelines for an Intentional Biological Environmental Contamination

  • Cupp, Pamela (PI)
  • Anyaegbunam, Chike (CoI)
  • Hoover, Anna (CoI)
  • O'Hair, Henry (CoI)
  • Sellnow, Timothy (CoI)
  • Veil, Shari (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The proposed project focuses on 1) explicating lessons learned and assessing communication strategies used in recent/significant contamination incidents; 2) understanding risk communiction needs and preference of distinct stakholder groups; 3) testing pre-scripted, targeted strategies and message outlines for specific stakeholder clusters; and 4) developing risk communication guidelines for communicating with stakeholders, media and the public during post-incident decontamination and clearance.
Effective start/end date10/1/114/30/14


  • Environmental Protection Agency: $369,233.00


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