Community Partnerships for Tobacco Use Prevention (KDPH) 2015-2016 (State Executive Order)

Grants and Contracts Details


The purpose of the contract is to provide technical assistance and outreach to support advocates as they lead local and state smoke]free campaigns. KCSP will train community members to collect air quality data, and support them as they disseminate the findings to support policy change. KCSP will analyze the data, create community]specific reports, and post on our website. KCSP will analyze existing countylevel data and create user]friendly fact sheets to disseminate timely information and data to promote smoke]free policy. We will maintain our website, serving as a clearinghouse for up]to]date information on secondhand smoke and smoke]free policy, including updating our smoke]free ordinance data base. We will plan and implement a statewide smoke]free conference to facilitate the exchange of best practices among community advocates to promote smoke]free environments and public health.
Effective start/end date7/1/146/30/16


  • KY Department for Public Health


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