Grants and Contracts Details
The Community Work Transition Program (CWTP) with the Office of Vocational
Rehabilitation (OVR) and with the Office for the Blind in collaboration with the Kentucky
Department of Education (KDE), Human Development Institute (HDI) and Local Education
Agencies (LEA) are statewide programs designed to provide Pre Employment Transition
Services (Pre-ETS) and Individualized Transition Services to students who are potentially
eligible or eligible for services with OVR or OFB. Potentially eligible students are all students
with disabilities, with Individual Learning Program (IEP) or 504 Plan or documented disability,
including those who have not applied or been determined eligible for OVR services. Eligible
students are students with disabilities, with an IEP or 504 Plan and documented disability, determined
eligible for OVR services and meets the Order of Selection, Category 1, eligible individuals who
have the most significant disabilities. Student must meet at least 4 priority categories. An OVR
or OFB counselor determines the priority category based on how the individual’s ability to work
is limited. The OVR or OFB considers seven major areas of functional limitations in
determining your priority category: (1) communication; (2) interpersonal skill; (3) mobility; (4)
self-care; (5) self-direction; (6) work skill; and (7) work tolerance. The services provided
through the CWTP will provide transition aged students experiences and exposure to a variety
of careers and job ready prior exiting high school.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/22 → 6/30/24 |
- KY Department of Vocational Rehabilitation: $448,853.00
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