Grants and Contracts Details


Project Title: Comprehensive Connected Cancer Care (C4) Program Funding Agency: Merck Foundation Funding Opportunity: Merck Alliance for Equity in Cancer Care Project Directors: Timothy Mullett, Pamela Hull, Ming-Yuan Chih Abstract The Comprehensive Connected Cancer Care (C4) Program is a multi-level intervention that combines evidence-informed patient navigation, education, and digital tools to overcome barriers to using supportive care services and resources that address social needs for patients undergoing cancer treatment. The short-term goal of the C4 Program is to improve timely access to patient- centered and culturally-appropriate care, treatment adherence, quality of life, and other patient- reported outcomes among patients with high needs, and thus, reduce geographic, socioeconomic, and racial disparities in overall survival. The purpose of the proposed project is to refine, implement, and evaluate the C4 Program, which is an evidence-informed, multi-level intervention designed to improve patient-centered care and advance health equity. The project objectives are: 1. Collaborate with multi-stakeholder partners to co-develop the C4 Program, including adapting the existing MyPath tools. 2. Conduct a series of rapid design cycles with stakeholders to refine the C4 Program and its integration into clinical protocols. 3. Evaluate the C4 Program using robust process and outcome metrics 4. Establish maintenance, sustainability, and future scale-up plans through the MCC Network and beyond 5. Disseminate program results to advance best practices for improving the delivery of patient-centered, culturally-sensitive cancer care
Effective start/end date7/1/226/30/24


  • Merck Company Fdn: $506,373.00


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