Comprehensive Diagnosis & Treatment Program

  • Moscow, Jeffrey (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Extended Description The Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Center on behalf of the University of Kentucky Hemophilia Treatment Center (UKHTC) will provide comprehensive hemophilia treatment services according to treatment guidelines issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (COC). Maternal Child Health Bureau {MCHB}. and the Hemophilia Foundation of American Under the terms of this contract the Division of Pediatric Hematology/OnCOlogy will provide for the diagnosis. treatment and referral for adults and children with hemophilia and related bleeding disorders who reside in central and eastern Kentucky. The Division will provide outpatient pharmacy services for managing utilization and dispensing clotting factor under the Public Health Service discount pricing program to all adults and children who are enrolled in the CCSHCN Hemophilia Program for which there are no other payor sources. The Division also will provide comprehensive social work services for pediatric sickle cell patients who !Ive In central and eastern Kentucky. This contract is supported by studies conducted by the COC. which indicate mortality rates are 40% lower in patients served through a comprehensive hemophilia treatment center. Because hemophilia treatment centers focus on preventive medicine and disease management. the expense of treating the complications of hemophilia are significantly reduced despite the fact that the more severely affected patients typically visit these centers. Additionally.the Treatment Center willadminister the Commission's pharmacy program for the purchase of factor. The pharmacy management program is intended to optimize patient health, while minimizing the need for factor and managing its use The program will provide an avenue for educating patients and their primary care providers about the latest clinical practices and other important treatment issues. As a condition of this contract, the Treatment Center agrees to purchase factor through the Federal 340B Drug Pricing Program (Public law 102-585 whIch is codified as Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act) The PHS discount pricing program was implemented to enable eligible entities. such as federally designated hemophilia treatment centers to maximize purchasing and stretch scarce federal resources. By introducing pharmacy management and supporting the UKHTC's participation In the 340B program. the Commission expects the State Hemophilia Program to realize better disease management and health outcomes as well as reduced program costs
Effective start/end date7/1/046/30/05


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