Grants and Contracts Details
Whereas, the Commission in the exercise of its lawful duties, has determined upon the necessity of the performance of the
following function, briefly described as: Establishment of a comprehensive hemophilia treatment center to provide for the diagnosis,
treatment and referral for individuals with hemophilia and related bleeding disorders.
Whereas, the Second Party is available, willing and qualified to perform this function, and the Commission desires that the Second
Party perform this function: Now therefore, it is hereby and herewith mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:
A) The Second party agrees to provide a comprehensive hemophilia treatment program on compliance with the Standards of Care
set forth by the Maternal and Child Bureau: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Hemophilia
Foundation's Medical and Scientific Advisory Council.
B) The Second party agrees to develop or contract for a factor concentrate dispensing program utilizing the Public Health Service
(PHS) pricing program through the Veteran's Healthcare Act
C) The Second party agrees to comply with all policies, rules and regulations of the PHS program set forth by the Maternal and
Child Health Bureau and the Office of Drug Pricing.
l D) The Second party agrees to continue its collaboration with the Commission in the care of patients with bleeding disorders
E) The Second party agrees to establish an Advisory Board, of which at least one (1) member will be a representative of the Commission and assigned by the Commission.
As the Federally identified Public Health Service program covered entity, and in relation to this agreement, the Commissi rees
to the following: A) Providethe Secondpartya paymentof $2,000.00fromits Federal Maternal and Child Health funds to establish Public Service entity status for the Second party. B)Provide assistance as needed to facilitate the establishment and continuance of PHS program
C) Continue its collaboration with the Second party in the care of patients with bleeding disorders.
D) Comply with all policies, rules and regulations of the PHS program set forth by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and Office of Drug Pricing. E) Provide at least one (1) representative to serve on the Second Party's Advisory Board. -
F) Utilize any proceeds from PHS program to support hemophilia treatment program and services.
Reporting requirements:
A) The Second party will provide an annual report to the Maternal and Child Health Bureau as per their mandate which will include disclosureof financialgainsand lossesand allocationof funds.
B) The Second party will provide a regular report to its Advisory Board regarding program goals and objectives, number of patient participating, financial report and any identifies needs of problems.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/05 → 6/30/06 |
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