Connected for Movement Outreach Program

Grants and Contracts Details


Title: Connected for Movement: University, Community, and School Partnerships to Promote Health Equity across Kentucky Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted global physical activity participation and mental health among youth. Globally, children engaged in 20% less physical activity during the pandemic. Estimates suggest that rates of anxiety and depression among youth rose to 20 – 25% compared to rates of 11 – 12% reported pre-pandemic. Youth from families with low socio- economic status had greater reductions in physical activity than their peers from high SES families. In Kentucky, only 24.8% of youth participate in the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity and the state has the highest rate of obesity (23.8%) among 10 – 17 year old children in the United States (2019-20 National Survey of Children’s Health). These alarming trends have immediate and long-term consequences for youth, especially for girls, non-White, rural, and low-income youth. Schools are central resources in communities where inclusive health programming can be delivered that reduces barriers related to the social determinants of health. Thus, we are proposing an innovative program model, Connected for Movement, to promote health equity in Kentucky by linking University resources with community and school partners. The goal of this strategic program model is to increase physical activity and improve mental and physical health outcomes for the most vulnerable youth in Kentucky. Our Connected for Movement program identifies the health needs and preferences of school partners and then matches community resources to meet these goals through school-based programming for youth. This innovative model was tested in our pilot research and builds on existing outreach programming that we have conducted in Fayette County. The goal of this proposal is to expand and test this model with University, community, and school partners across the state of Kentucky. This innovative model for promoting physical activity and health in schools is guided by the Centers for Disease Control’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) framework. This framework focuses on creating environments where students are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged to improve learning and health. Successful completion of this project will provide evidence for increasing statewide implementation efforts.
Effective start/end date6/19/235/31/24


  • KY Department for Public Health: $160,163.00


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