Continuous Assessment and Algebraic Thinking (CAAT)

  • Zeidler-Watters, Kimberly (PI)
  • Lee, C. (CoI)

    Grants and Contracts Details


    The Council on Postsecondary Education (Council) is charged in the Kentucky Postsecondary Education Act of 1997 with responsibility for coordinating a seamless, integrated system of postsecondary education that enhances economic development and the quality of life. Also the Council is especially interested in preparing Kentuckians for life and work in a knowledge-based economy, including preparing an increasing number of students for postsecondary education and reducing the need for remedial education at the postsecondary level. Each year, the U. S. Department of Education awards the Council a federal grant, known as the Improving Teacher Quality Grant, CFDA number 84.367B, under the authority of Title II, Part A of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The Council allocates a minimum of 95% of this funding to postsecondary institutions through a competitive grant proposal process in an effort to foster innovative, sustained, embedded professional development programs that improve student and school performance through ongoing cooperation and collaboration among K-12 educators and postsecondary faculty. This subgrant to The University of Kentucky is applicable to federal grant year 10, for the purpose of implementing Kimberly Zeidler-Watters' project entitled "Continuous Assessment and Algebraic Thinking: Keys for Career and College Readiness",
    Effective start/end date1/1/128/31/13


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