Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey - SCOPE A

  • Dillon, Patricia (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


To sun'c\ for exotic wood-boring and bark heetles at high risk locations throughoUl Kentuckv using Lindgren funncltraps with L'(Jlnmercially available attractants: Phero Tech Exotic Bark Bectle lure (primary target: Ips Iypographlls. CalliJielillm rufipenl1c Hylurgus ligniperda, II's sexdenlalus, GrrllOlOmicus CroSIlS. PilHigenes clwlcographlls), alpha-pinene lure and ethanol lure (Al1oplopllOra glabripenl1is, Anoplophora malasiaca. Hesperoplwnes campeslris. MOIlOchallllls aile maIlls, Telropillmfil.\CUlI1,Tclropillll1 caslmlelllll. XvlolrechlislpP., and ChloropllllrollS annillaris) as appropriate
Effective start/end date1/1/0612/31/06


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  • Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey

    Obrycki, J. (PI) & Dillon, P. (CoI)


    Project: Research project