Cooperative Extension Radon and Indoor Air Quality Education

  • Fehr, Robert (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky will work closely with the Sate Radon Coordinator, Local and District Health Departments and local County Extension offices in providing radon information to the public and act as a resource for government and private agencies, and professional groups across the state. UK will also prepare presentation and develop displays and exhibits for a variety of private and professional groups including health professionals, home builders and inspectors, real estate agents and the general public and identify state and regional venues for outreach programs to these groups. In addition radio tapes, public service announcements and special radon promotional programs, such as the Radon Calendar Contest, will be developed for use by local extension agents and health departments. UK, in consultation with the state Radon Program, will also organize and produce an EPA certified radon training course during the year to be conducted by the Southern Regional Radon Training Center.
Effective start/end date7/1/076/30/08


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