Grants and Contracts Details


The work funded by this contract produces annual prevalence estimates of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey data for small areas in Kentucky, including individual counties and multi-county regions. The BRFSS survey is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and asks about a wide variety of health behaviors, such as smoking and diet, and health conditions, such as asthma and cardiovascular disease. The small area prevalence estimates produced by this project are disseminated through a website,, maintained by the Foundation for a Health Kentucky. In addition to providing these prevalence estimates of health behaviors and conditions, this project also produces epidemiological analyses of special interest to the state of Kentucky. In previous years, these have focused on health disparities, cigarette smoking, and obesity.
Effective start/end date8/1/185/31/19


  • Foundation for a Healthy KY: $49,000.00


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