Covid 19: KY Emergency Response for Suicide Prevention (C3417): MH BG ARPA - Commodity Line 3

Grants and Contracts Details


Understanding the risk and protective factors that put a Kentucky resident at risk of increased substance use and related behavioral health issues, including suicide, are a vital component of primary prevention efforts. Identifying risk and protective factors for behavioral health issues allows limited resources to be targeted toward the demographic and geographic locations where needed most. Understanding when consequences of behavioral health issues – such as overdose and suicide – have the same risk and protective factors creates opportunities for stronger prevention efforts long before an individual reaches the crisis point. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for better understanding of these interrelated situations. The Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID), Division of Behavioral Health (DBH), Prevention and Promotion Branch has been charged with identifying the risk and protective factors of substance use and suicide in order to implement appropriate upstream, primary prevention efforts. Additionally, DBHDID has received federal grant funds to supplement efforts to address these needs. In an effort to best address service needs for these target populations, University of Kentucky, Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (UK KIPRC) will provide focused data surveillance and analysis, Government Performance Result Act (GPRA) data collection and analysis, to better understand Kentucky’s current behavioral health situation and support the translation of that information into primary prevention practices.
Effective start/end date7/1/223/14/24


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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