Grants and Contracts Details
The proposed project is to acquire funding to improve areas around the Good Samaritan Hospital, at the
Unvierstiy of Kentucky campus, by replacing gravel/shell in areas with bonded crumb rubber made out
of recycled tires. The project is to use the material in 4 ground areas, for a total of 1,818 square feet.
The areas are close to the Emergency Department and employee entrances to the Hospital.
This effort will replace the gravel/shell, making it easier to pick up litter from the areas, eliminates the
need to replace the gravel every year, make it more welcoming for staff and visitors, and allow for rain
water to filter through and reaching the vegetation’s root system.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 5/25/21 → 12/31/21 |
- KY Department of Environmental Protection: $13,300.00
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