CSTAR Collaborative Mentorship Program

Grants and Contracts Details


ABSTRACT The aim of the CSTAR Collaboarative Mentorship Funding is to provide junior faculty and early-career rehabilitation researchers with mentorship on career advancement from senior scientists and clinicians at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Goals include gaining innovative research skills by collaborating with interdisciplinary team members to learn clinical trial and pilot study development, enhanced understanding of the use of sensors and technology, as well as measurement of outcomes in rehabilitation research. Additional guidance will be provided on grant writing and submission, allowing mentees to achieve the objective of developing their own studies and applying for extramural funding. The Collaborative Mentorship Funding Program includes financial and educational support through extended teaching and learning. One of our affiliated resources is the Center for Education and Career Development at Northwestern University, which will connect our candidates to additional educational tools. The mentorship program will use a variety of outlets including virtual meetings, webinars and workshops, and offer opportunities for hands-on-training with site visits to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Effective start/end date9/1/222/28/23


  • Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago: $36,423.00


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