Cultivate Kentucky Partnership Quality Assurance Initiative

Grants and Contracts Details


This project will expand the CKYP efforts to include grower education focused on developing and implementing quality assurance protocols for the wholesale specialty crop market. This will include one-on-one technical assistance, development and delivery of training on quality management protocols, and a series of field days across Kentucky. This proposed initiative will also expand CKYP efforts to include collaboration with UK’s MarketReady curriculum and the UK Center for Crop Diversification. Through this collaboration we will develop coordinated curriculum, new educational tools, and a series of collaborative webinars focused on advanced topics in quality management. This effort will ensure an integrated network of technical assistance and connect the dots between business and production planning for wholesale specialty crop growers. When coupled with our partnership’s ongoing efforts in market development and value-chain coordination, this initiative will directly contribute to increased sales of Kentucky farm-sourced specialty crops to Kentucky buyers and institutions.
Effective start/end date9/30/199/29/22


  • KY Department of Agriculture: $48,600.00


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