Grants and Contracts Details
The University of Kentucky Program for Archaeological Research proposes to document and evaluate the property located at 106 South Main Street in Tompkinsville, Kentucky, for National Register of Historic Places eligibility. The cultural historic report will be prepared for the Barren River Area Development District (BRADD). This property is located at the proposed site of new fire station that will receive Community Development Block Grant funds. Field work will be conducted by staff meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for Architectural History. The survey will proceed in accordance with the following: Specifications for Conducting Fieldwork and Preparing Cultural Resource Assessment Reports (Kentucky Heritage Council 2001); How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation (National Park Service 1990); and the Kentucky Historic Resources Survey Manual (Kentucky Heritage Council). Prior to beginning fieldwork, an examination of records maintained by the Kentucky Heritage Council (SHPO) will be conducted to determine if previously recorded cultural historic resources are located in the project area. Fieldwork will consist of an examination of each resource 50 years or age or older, preparation of a site plan illustrating the spatial relationship of the structures within each parcel, and digital photography of each structure, both historic and non-historic. All individual buildings and structures on the site will be documented on Kentucky Historic Resources Inventory Forms (the Individual Buildings Survey form, KHC 2011-1, and the Barns/Outbuildings Survey Form, KHC 2006), in accordance with the Instructions for Completing the Individual Buildings Survey Form (KHC 2007-1). Digital photographs will be taken of the exterior of each resource, including each elevation of visible and any noteworthy architectural features. Resources will be closely examined on the exterior, in order to not only fully capture the current condition of the historic resource, but also to determine any changes in orientation, configuration, major additions and renovations and any integrity altering modifications. A UTM will be taken for each resource using a handheld GPS device; the sites will then be mapped on quadrangle maps. In addition to the Kentucky Historic Resources Inventory Forms, a cultural historic letter report will be prepared that will include a brief historic context, overview of the resource, and determination of eligibility for the resource. A hard copy and PDF of these documents will be provided to the BRADD for submittal to the Kentucky Heritage Council for Section 106 Review.
Janie-Rice Brother will serve as Project Director and Principal Investigator for this architectural survey; she is the architectural historian for the University of Kentucky Program for Archaeological Research
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 2/23/16 → 4/30/16 |
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