Data Analytics (C4022): CL 3: Agency Work FY23: FRYSC

Grants and Contracts Details


Research Data Analytics and Program Outcomes- Abstract This contract is designed to support program evaluation research and improving the effectiveness, economy, and the quality of services delivered to Medicaid beneficiaries. It also establishes the baseline member characteristics and an evaluation tool for Kentucky Medicaid''s interim analytics, KCHIP, Medicaid administration, and Grants. IBI will provide technical and analytical expertise on the identification, migration, and integration of multiple disparate data sets into a data warehouse environment. IBI will provide independent data verification and validation of data sources where applicable. Through datamining and analytics, custom dashboards will be designed and implemented to visualize data which will provide guidance on quality control for DMS and provide dissemination of results for individualized research study projects. IBI will perform program analysis and guidance on implementation of new DMS measures surrounding the following areas of study: specific business cases, cost/benefit analysis, cost effectiveness, utilization patterns, and complex impact analysis. IBI will perform gap analysis and benchmarking of Kentucky across other state Medicaid programs regarding healthcare costs, utilization, and DMS trends, study feasibility assessments for independent data requests, and guidance on clinical protocol and quality assurance decision support projects. IBI will provide subject matter expertise for the Information Technology Governance process development and management; as well as, epidemiological and statistical measurements expertise for health status indicators. IBI will design epidemiological and program utilization studies, design data collection methods, collect data, analyze and interpret data, and dissemination of results. UKIBI shall conduct research in the following areas: 1) Develop a data warehouse through data acquisition, migration, and integration to provide access to data for improving quality of health, mitigating costs, and promoting transparency in the health care delivery system; 2) Perform data analytics, data mining, and research to conduct: a. Health services research and systems analysis, b. Program evaluation and implementation science, c. Comparative effectiveness analysis, d. Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, e. Experimental and quasi- experimental studies, f. Pharmacy cost, utilization, and price transparency reviews, g. Hospital cost, utilization, quality, and price transparency reviews; 3) Support quality programs for the Division of Program Quality and Outcomes, including: a. Clinical protocols, disease management, and quality assurance decision support, b. Historical healthcare cost and utilization related to quality of care, c. Other projects to support bio-surveillance, clinical, medical and quality program objectives for population health; 4) Support the section 1115 waiver demonstration monitoring and evaluation, similar experimental, or pilot projects, and other initiatives adopting new service delivery innovations for beneficiaries; 5) Other projects requiring information support. 1
Effective start/end date7/1/226/30/23


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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