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Grants and Contracts Details
This program's moonshot goal is a computer model of the heart that can be personalized to a specific patient
and deployed to optimize their therapy. The strategy's ultimate success will be determined by a future
randomized clinical trial that tests whether patients treated with model-optimized therapies have better outcomes
than patients who receive standard care. This application lays the foundation for the future trial.
The investigators described this vision in a recent position paper titled “Closing the therapeutic loop” [23]. The
manuscript describes how biomedical scientists have worked to define many of the molecular and cellular
processes that regulate cardiovascular function. The paper also describes how advances in other areas of
science can be leveraged to improve clinical care. Specifically, computer modeling, artificial intelligence, and
machine learning have advanced to the point that they can be harnessed to test therapeutic strategies and
optimize the treatment of patients who have heart failure.
This project builds on these innovative ideas and integrates three aims that will advance translational
cardiovascular science and move the field closer to a pivotal clinical trial. The team comprises 3 basic scientists
and 2 cardiologists and is uniquely equipped to integrate physiological, computational, and clinical concepts.
Aim 1: Develop the PyMyoVent framework as a testbed for implementing baroreflex control and
myocardial growth.
The PyMyoVent framework simulates a single ventricle pumping blood around a closed circulation [18]. The
contraction algorithm mimics molecular biophysics but the ventricle has an idealized geometry. This allows the
simulations to run in near real-time on a laptop. Specifically, the team will use PyMyoVent to develop and test
algorithms that implement baroreflex control and myocardial growth. Specifically, the extended model will
(1) regulate the rate and strength of contraction to maintain arterial pressure, and (2) allow the heart to change
size (dilate/constrict and/or change thickness) in response to physiological demands.
Aim 2: Create and validate patient-specific biventricular finite element models that incorporate growth
and functional remodeling.
This Aim uses clinical data collected over 6 months from 100 patients at the University of Kentucky who have
advanced heart failure. Personalized biventricular finite element models [59] will be generated from
echocardiographic and/or magnetic resonance imaging performed as part of standard care. The models will then
be run forward in time to predict long-term changes in structure and function. The baroreflex and growth
algorithms for the training set (60 patients) will be optimized using swarm intelligence. As recommended for prior
studies of atrial fibrillation [49], data from another 20 patients will be used for model refinement. The remaining
data (20 patients) will be used for final testing. The framework will be evaluated using a composite metric that
compares the predictions for regional ventricular geometry (dimensions, thicknesses), ejection fraction, and
arterial pressures to the corresponding clinical data at 6 months.
Aim 3: Deploy the patient-specific models to Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3
predict optimal therapies for patients Algorithm Patient-specific Investigating
who have advanced heart failure. development
simulations therapies
This Aim tests how potential interventions change PyMyoVent
long-term growth and function by re-running the
simulations from Aim 2 with different combinations + +
of parameter adjustments. The interventions
range from lowering the baroreflex setpoint Baroreflex Growth
(mimicking blood pressure control) to modulating and functional
myosin transition rates (mirroring the effects of the and
new myotropes omecamtiv mecarbil [54] and remodeling
mavacamten[3]). Random forest [35] and gradient Growth
boosting techniques [10] will be used to rank the
interventions by their ability to improve ejection Molecular biophysics, physiology, engineering
fraction, myocardial strain, and myocardial energy
use. Algorithm development Patient-specific modeling
Clinical data and interpretation
Figure 1: Overview of the project.
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Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 5/1/22 → 4/30/26 |
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute: $1,500,404.00
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- 2 Active
Data-driven Optimization of Therapy for Heart Failure
Wenk, J. (PI)
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
5/1/22 → 4/30/26
Project: Research project
Carol Act Supplement to Data-driven Optimization of Therapy for Heart Failure
Campbell, K. (PI)
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
5/1/22 → 4/30/26
Project: Research project