Grants and Contracts Details


Scope of Services: KDE to support part of the costs of the Deaf Blind Services State Coordinator and for a Technical Assistance Coordinator who will provide training and technical assistance for LEA staff. The State Coordinator of the project is responsible for overseeing all activities of the federal 307.11 grant including the day-to-day budget and personnel. This includes statewide training and technical assistance on behalf of the 164 students on Kentucky's Deaf-Blind Census, their families and members of their education teams. In addition, the State Coordinator is responsible for carrying out specific activities that support outcomes identified in the Kentucky Department of Education Implementation Plan for students who have sensory losses. All training activities are open to include students in all of Kentucky's classrooms who are considered to have severe and/or multiple disabilities including deaf-blindness. This number exceeds 3,000. The Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator is responsible for delivering direct technical assistance to students in the eastern and northern half of our state as well as coordinating all statewide training activities sponsored by this project.
Effective start/end date7/1/076/30/08


  • KY Department of Education: $228,133.00


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