Design Build Fly 2018

  • Markutsya, Sergiy (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Funds from the Team Fellowship (TF) will be used by the UK Paducah chapter of AIAA to purchase the materials required to build and fly a plane outlined by the rules of the 2017-2018 Design, Build, Fly (DBF) competition. This years competition is based on the design aspects required of a passenger aircraft. The rules outline things that will simulate passengers and cargo during flight missions. Ground missions will consist of replacing parts of the aircraft that may see more wear or damage then other parts, such as propulsion systems, control surfaces, electronics, etc. The team's expected budget for building materials and plane electronics is shown below in Figure 1. Material costs are spread fairly evenly across all consumables and electronics required. The main structure of the aircraft will be made out of laser cut balsa pieces and assembled using CA glue. Frame will be covered in Monokote, which serves as a skin to contain electronics and mission items. Motors, batteries and servos will be used in conjunction with radio equipment to provide thrust and control for the aircraft. The team plans to use a GPS sensor on this years aircraft during testing to help with mission optimization. Filament for the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printer will be used to manufacture parts designed for this specific use case, such as motor mounts, wing joints, and landing gears. Consumable tools such as hobby knife blades, adhesives, and sandpaper will be used along the way to build this aircraft.
Effective start/end date1/1/1812/31/18


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