Grants and Contracts Details
Dr. Johnson will coordinate alf aspects of the implementation of this project at sites in the state of Kentucky.
Dr. Johnson is currently ~ research associate at the UniversIty of Kentucky. She completed her DrPH in 2005, with an emphaSis in agricultural epidemiology. She currently assists In teaching a three semester hour course in agricultural health. In her role as the regional coordinator, Dr. Johnson's tasks for the first year . include attending two advisory team meeting at the HICAHS Center in Fort Collins, Colorado, obtain Human Subjects/IRS approval at the University.of Kentucky, identify 120 4-H students in Kentucky to participate, and assemble. members of the regional panel for Kentucky. Dr. Johnson wOI also assist the 4-H leaders with the use of the appropriate consent forms and work with the 4·H leaders to stratify children into control and treatment groups. Additionally, Dr. Jdhnson will see that all data collected is mailed to Colorado State University. Most of these activities will be conducted during.the public schoof year, which is September through early May.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/15/07 → 9/14/11 |
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