Developing Watershed Implementation Plans: Creating a Formula for Success in the Salt & Licking River Basins

  • Kew, Barry (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Problem: Little technical or design knowledge, planning experience or funding is available to support Kentucky's overall Watershed Restoration Planeven though the Kentucky Watershed Framework Initiative encourages development of Watershed Implementation Plans(WIP) to address "nsp" pollution. Obviously, there is little enthusiasm for developing Watershed Implementation Plansthat are simply a paper exercise and that lack local funding capacities, which would support either, their development or implementation in the foreseeable future. Goals: This project proposes: 1) to encourage sustainable watershed managementby engaging local citizens and interagency representatives in developing local Watershed Implementation Plans to mitigate water quality problems, 2) to provide focused planning assistance, technical design models and technical support training in the Salt and Licking basins to local groups that are willing to develop and implement WIP's in areas identified by the River Basin Management Plansas having a strong need for timely remediation and 3) to encourage the development of local implementation plans by providing a source of seed funding to stimulate appropriate plan development and identify other funding sources to begin implementation in watersheds documenting the greatest environmental need, as well as where stakeholders are committed to follow through with implementation of the action strategies they help to develop. Objectives: The projects objectives include three stages of activity structured to accomplish broad management, dissemination, WIP development, begin implementation where possible and evaluation goals. In stage one, we will concentrate on developing functional formats and supporting procedures that elicit applications from potential action groups in 11digit HUe watersheds. We will develop a "Local Watershed Implementation PlanGuide" to guide ordinary citizens in the development of proposals, and provide sometechnical assistance to aid communities to compose written proposals. In stage two, four to eight communities/groups will receive funding ranging from $25,000- $40,000 to assist in developing and publishing a WIP. Project partners will develop and publish sets of instructional support materials, technical storyboards and guidebooks that explain and illustrate a thorough range of design solutions to bacteria and/or sediment "nsp" problems undermining the health of these basins. In stage three, the groups selected will be provided with on-site, facilitated, technical assistance to assure each WIP meets the projects goals and in order to begin to identify other funding sources or opportunities to implement their watershed plans. The project partners will document activities, evaluate progress and publish materials that document their procedures and progress. Activities: The project partners will participate in work assignments and proposal reviews during the first stage. All partners will contribute to refinements of the planningguide (including the development of selection criteria and evaluation procedures, and to the selection of the grantees), while specialist partners will lead the way in providing technical assistance to local watershed plan applicants. Next, specialist/partners will research BMP'sand develop design solutions in order to create and publish the storyboard and guidebook materials. Then, specialist/partners will oversee the implementation of the funded projects by engagingin field consultation and supporting efforts to assist the local watershed groups as they finalize their Watershed Implementation Plansand identify ways to begin to implement their plans. Finally, partners/specialists will gather, collate, analyze and publish materials and information to summarize the achievements of the funded projects. Measures of Success: Success will be measured both quantitatively and qualitatively, utilizing a variety of measures and indicators, including, but not limited to, product samples,proposals received, checklists, logs, interviews, photo records, meeting attendance and participation, scrapbooks of media coverage, and the like. We will also document success in terms of process, product and changesin public awarenessand behaviors. Additionally, success will be measured by the completion of four to eight WIP's and the any other funding sources identified to begin implementation of selected "nsp" control measures.
Effective start/end date2/1/067/1/07


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