Development of a Virus-Like Particle Vaccine for Powassan Virus

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract: Powassan virus (POWV) is a ?ck-borne member of the genus Flavivirus, associated with fatal neuroinvasive disease in humans. The virus is endemic to North America (the northeastern and north-central United States and Canada) and extends to eastern Russia. Although human cases of POWV-associated disease are currently rare, the number of reported infec?ons has been increasing, sugges?ng that this virus has the poten?al to emerge and become a substan?al public health threat. Further, the range of ?cks of the genus Ixodes, which are the primary vector for POWV transmission, appears to be expanding. Notably, this is true of Ix. Scapularis (the deer ?ck), which is an aggressive biter of humans, as well as other mammals including white- footed mice (a major reservoir of POWV). This proposal, a response to the RFA “Targeted Preven?on for Tick- borne Diseases,” is focused on development of a non-replica?ng, virus-like par?cle (VLP) based vaccine for POWV.
Effective start/end date10/1/235/31/25


  • Oregon Health and Sciences University: $461,508.00


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