Development of Food Model Systems and Application of QuEChERS Technologies for Detection of Chemical and Bilogical Threats to the Food Supply

Grants and Contracts Details


The overall objective is to improve analytical methods that enhance and validate the detection of chemical threats to the US food supply. The USDA-ARS has developed a method called QuEChERS for chemical residue analysis of food matrices. The objective is to further develop, validate, and extend this method to the detection of threat agent chemicals and agricultural and commercial chemicals that could be used to contaminate the food supply. Page 28 of 50 NIHS and UKRF Subcontract Agreement No. 03-09-UK 03-09-UK FINAL (v13) A risk-based approach will be used to decrease the probability of introduction of chemical or biological toxin contaminants by analyzing and assessing vulnerabilities in two food model systems. A systematic application and iterative development of these models will aid in establishing critical control points in the food supply, processing and distribution chains with the ultimate goal of implementing analytical QuEChERS technologies to prevent and/or detect toxin contamination. Pathogen control and detection via toxins and chemical markers of the pathogens will be commercially developed in collaboration with private sector and government entities and applied at critical food processing stages from raw foods though processing, shipping, and consumption.
Effective start/end date3/1/116/30/14


  • National Institute for Hometown Security: $2,970,758.00


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