Development of Subsurface Brine Disposal Framework in the Northern Appalachian Basin

Grants and Contracts Details


This project is aimed at reducing concerns related to brine disposal issues by developing a brine disposal framework in the Northern Appalachian Basin. The proposed work would be contingent upon award from the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America RFP2011UN001. The methodology is designed to better understand the geologic setting, reservoir dynamics, and potential for adverse effects of brine disposal. By better defining the security of the injection reservoirs and operations, more confidence in brine disposal may be accomplished. The scope of work will include development of a regional geologic framework focused on brine disposal horizons in Cambrian-Silurian age rock formations in the Northern Appalachian Basin. This work involves Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) participation in the research, focusing on the Kentucky portion of the Northern Appalachian Basin. The main tasks include compilation of geologic data, Class II UIC injection well data, development of a conceptual model, and support for reservoir simulations.
Effective start/end date5/1/1310/31/15


  • Battelle Memorial Institute: $51,792.00


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