Diverse Clinical Trial Participation Using Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Participant Recruitment and Retention Science

Grants and Contracts Details


Scope of Work Name of Consultant: Dr. Elizabeth Rhodus Project Name: Recruitment and Retention integration of Mixed Methodology Introduction/Background The Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute Recruitment Section recognizes the importance of qualitative research to inform best engagement practices of demographically diverse participants its clinical studies. To this end integrating the expertise of a consultant who specializes in mixed methodology is imperative to build infrastructure for these approaches and support ongoing qualitative projects. Dr. Rhodus will serve as consultant for qualitative and mixed methods approaches of several ongoing ATRI projects. She has a strong portfolio in clinical and scholarly activities working with a variety of disciplines while engaging in community- based mixed methods research. Objectives • Contribute to the design of research questions utilizing mixed methodology approaches. • Guide the analysis and interpretation of ongoing ATRI qualitative projects. • Guide the development of instruments for data collection (interview guides, questionnaires) • Contribute to the development of formal evaluation plans for current and future initiatives. • Work closely with Recruitment Section leadership and staff to plan future studies and the dissemination of finding generated from these studies. Scope The scope of the work includes high level design and guidance in analysis and dissemination of mixed method studies but does not include data handling or direct analyses. Specifically initial projects include supporting the design of qualitative components of AHA funded projects and the analyses of existing focus group data. Furthermore, Dr. Rhodus will provide support in the development of research questions that may assist in addressing key issues in recruitment and retention of diverse groups to ATRI studies, specifically research questions that necessitate mixed methods. % effort: 5%
Effective start/end date7/1/233/31/26


  • University of Southern California: $11,546.00


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