DOE EPSCoR: Nanoscale Materials and Architecture for Energy Conversion

  • Menon, Madhusudan (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky EPSCoR Program establishes an inter-university, multidisciplinary energy related research cluster in nanomaterials useful for converting solar radiation and residual thermal energy to electrical energy and hydrogen. It creates a (col1aboratiyc center of excellence that is based on research expertise in nanomaterials, architectures and their synthesis. Fundamental processes associated with light absorption, charge separation and transport, and electron emission within nanostructured materials are critically examined relative to energy conversion processes. The research launches new collaboration between the University of Louisville and University of Kentucky and with NREL and ORNL. Mentoring of junior faculty and a new faculty hire in nanoscale energy materials complement the involvement of four post doctorates and nine graduate students. Sustainable research capacity is also crafted by purchasing ultra fast spectroscopic equipment and allying Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory. The Program enhances the annual Kentucky Nanomaterials Conference and generates new economy jobs important to the Commonwealth
Effective start/end date7/1/087/14/14


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